About Evolve Professional Counseling LLC
Our Facilities:
Evolve facility is handicapped assessible.
No smoking, weapons or drugs permitted.Service Animals only.
Evolve is a woman, and Native American owned business
Office Hours:
Monday-Wed. 9:00am-7:00pm in office and virtual appts.
Thursday Virtual only.
Friday by appointment only
Payment Sources
Blue Cross Blue Shield
Champ VA
Community Care
Healthcare Highways
New Directions EAP's
United Healthcare
Workplace Options
Evolve Professional Counseling LLC will provide outpatient counseling services, psychological evaluations/testing to children/adults and families who are in need of these services. Evolve Professional Counseling LLC is accredited by ODMHSAS.
The Evolve Professional Counseling LLC Behavioral Health Outpatient Program is designed to serve a population of individuals who are of any age, gender, race, ethnicity, or socio-economic status who are experiencing behavioral health problems. Evolve Professional Counseling LLC strives to provide recovery oriented, culturally competent and trauma informed services through providing individual, couples and/or family therapy,
parenting, mental health assessments. Referrals are made by mental health professionals, ICW, DHS, school personnel and other agencies and self referrals..
Individual and Family Counseling:
The Counseling Services program provides a wide range of psychological counseling services for children, adults and families. Services vary in intensity and scope based on each individual’s needs. The Counseling Services program serves individuals with emotional or behavioral health concerns through individual, group, family and couple’s counseling. Therapeutic methods used include, but are not limited to: Play, Cognitive-Behavioral, Solution-Focused, Client-Centered and Reality therapies. The focus of counseling is to help individuals achieve a better quality of life by addressing issues related to anxiety, attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD), autism, behavior, depression, adjustment to a major change in one’s life, sexual or physical abuse, stress or anger management, relationships or thought disorders. Therapy works toward a resolution, is recovery oriented, and utilizes a person-centered approach.
Individual and family counseling is provided by licensed or master's level (under licensure supervision) counselors at the offices of Evolve Professional Counseling LLC as well as in the community. The goal of individual and family counseling is to improve the psychological and emotional well-being of an individual or family using a trauma informed, culturally competent service delivery.
Psychological Evaluation/Testing:
There are times when an individual, family, or licensed behavior health professional isn’t clear as to what treatment may be needed. To help identify what the underlying issue of the difficulty in functioning may be, psychological evaluation/testing may be recommended. Assessments are offered in the following areas:
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD)
Personality Disorder
Our Staff:
Kati Morrison M.S. LPC
Paige Armstrong M.S. LPC
Alica Franke M.S. LPC
Erin Dishong M.S. LPC
Patricia Womack M.S. LPC
Karen Fite M.S. LPC
Micah Allison M.S. LPC
Rhonda Pleasant M.S. LPC Candidate
Stacy C. Hall M.Ed. LPC

Come meet Sally , the new
facility support dog